Amazon Housing

This was typical Amazon housing, from what we saw in this area of the Amazon jungle. The houses are very simple. Houses are built on stilts, for the wet season when the river is running high. We were here in the dry season, so houses were not sitting over the edge of the river. The people sleep in hammocks which are hung from the rafters. The kitchen was a separate adjacent platform. Our guide said that everyone in the Amazon lives along the river because there are no roads in the Amazon, only the rivers. This family had a garden, fruit trees, chickens, ducks, and dogs. Life seems pretty basic for them, but they seemed content and happy when we visited.

This is the whole basic house but behind here on a separate platform is the kitchen. You can see the dad with some of his kids behind him. You can also see one of the hammocks hanging which is where they sleep. You can see a couple of their dogs sleeping under their platform. They had no furniture.

This is the kitchen platform. It had an attached piece for the fire pit. You can see all of their kitchen utensils. On the plus side, they had a nice view.


I was interested in the tool shed corner of the house. You can see all of their tools that they had in the photo. It was not much.


This is part of their garden. They plant right along the river as the dry season approaches so that they don’t need to water their garden. They have rice planted closest to the river and corn and other crops farther back. They do have problems with animals and birds getting their crops, hence the bare-bones scarecrows that you see in their garden.


This photo was with another family that we met along the river on the same day as we were out and about discovering the Amazon.
