Canopy Walk

After breakfast one morning, we went for a canopy walk. After a hike through the jungle to get there, we steadily climbed up into the jungle canopy to a height of 120 feet. Once up in the canopy, it’s about a quarter-mile rope and cable canopy walkway. The walk goes from tree to tree and is like one giant inter-connected tree house walk. I felt like a little kid in a great big tree house.

This day was clear and warm with lots of heat and sunshine. We had hoped to see lots of birds but they had mostly settled in somewhere else during the heat of the day. We did see many butterflies, including blue morphos, monkeys, lizards, grasshoppers, and lots of ants (big black, small black, and big red) and lots of sweat bees buzzing all around. The sweat bees are like gnats. We also saw bats living in a ficus tree, tiger heron, mealy parrots, Tamarine monkeys, army ants, leaf-cutter ants, a clear-winged (see-through) butterfly, and a fer-de-lance snake.

This photo was taken from the ground looking up at where we were going on our canopy hike.


This is showing an area that was probably getting up close to 120 feet high.  


You can see that the canopy walks were not very wide, though Vicky looks very confident up that high. The tower to her left is a climbing tower to get up to the next higher walkway. 


This is our friends Ron and Patty Weber who were along with us on this trip.  


The top portions of the canopy gave us some great views. We saw rubber trees, many ficus and palms, mahogany, and trees from the bean family that were huge and the wood is used to make the boards for the platforms for people’s houses. The palm trees are used to make thatch for the roofs. We also saw secropia trees which look like many umbrellas from above. The great views were perhaps the real excitement of the climb, at least until the wind started to blow. It’s amazing how much a large tree sways in a good breeze.
