Brown Bluff

We awoke this morning to a foggy day and freezing temperature.  We were near the end of the Tabarin Peninsula.  We have been going north and we are also now very near the Antarctic Sound which is at the northern end of the Antarctic Peninsula.

We were scheduled for an 8:00am landing at Brown Bluff.  It has a 2450 foot cliff right up against the Sound.  Brown Bluff is the home to some 500,000 Adelie penguins as well as gentoo penguins, cape petrels, kelp gulls, and leopard seals.

I started to have some doubts about our trip into Brown Bluff.  I was standing out on deck as we approached it.  These photos were all taken about the same time as I walked around the fifth deck.

This first photo was taken off the back of the ship.  Our ship made the open water that you see in the photo but you can also see that the sea and ice are closing right back together after our passage.

This next photo was taken off the side of the ship but that’s what the whole ocean looked like that we were moving through at the time.

This third photo was taken off the front of the ship and as you can see, the icebergs up ahead were getting bigger.