Danco Island

This was our next Antarctic landing which was on Danco Island, just off the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  It’s a small island with an abandoned British survey hut.  All that’s left are a couple of small foundations.  Danco Island is the home to a large gentoo penguin rookery.  Other birds included skuas, sheathbills, and Antarctic gulls.

We hiked up another glacial mountain on Danco Island which you can see in this photo.  The sun came and went while we were here, but the wind never ceased.  Gentoo penguins were all about on the island.  They were nesting from shore to the mountain tops. 

The second photo is up the hill a ways and you can see a skua in flight over a bunch of penguins.  The skuas regularly patrol the penguin colonies looking for a meal, whether it’s an egg or a young penguin.

The third photo is another shot of some penguin highways.  Danco penguin highways were probably the equivalent of L.A. highways.