Naming Icebergs

Yes, we are still in the Weddell Sea, but this will be the last of it.  I spent at least five hours out on deck today and it was 32 degrees the whole day.  We had sun, clouds, high fog and various combinations of these.  The wind went from mild to “hold on to the rail”.  Our ship moved, the icebergs moved, and the weather kept changing so it was a kaleidoscope of ice, water, and weather.  The scene constantly changed and I couldn’t help but to keep watching it all.  After five plus hours, I eventually turned red from the cold and I also caught a cold but it was worth the price of admission.

 The reason I know that I was out on deck too long is because I eventually started naming the glacial icebergs.  We would go around and around and weave through the bergs and I would sometimes see the same ones again.  At some point, I started naming them.  Here’s a few of my “named” icebergs:

 1.       “A river runs through it”

2.      “Whales goalpost”

3.      “Coliseum”