Ship Passing

We are still in the Antarctic Sound.  We only passed three other ships during our trip to Antarctica and we passed one of them here in the Sound.  I took several photos of this other ship as we passed to help give the icebergs some scale.  This particular ship was larger than our ship and according to our crew had something like 700 passengers.  Our ship only had 330 passengers, but room for 630.

These three photos are just three sequence photos as I caught the ship passing a small tabular iceberg in the Antarctic Sound.  These tabular icebergs were usually square shaped or rectangular shaped.  You can only see the one side in these photos and it could be the small side of this iceberg.  Also, our ship was 404 feet long and this ship was bigger than ours, so it’s probably around 450 feet or so in length.

Ship P 1.jpg