
We had a short stayover in Fairbanks, Alaska before flying home.  This was our first time in Fairbanks and we enjoyed ourselves.  I would not call Fairbanks a typical Alaskan town but it was a nice transition back to home for us.

Like many towns in the world, Fairbanks is along a river, in this case the Chena River, as you can see in the first photo.  The colors were beautiful and it was a great couple of days weather-wise.  The surrounding mountains are mostly deciduous trees and they had all changed color, mostly to yellow or gold, like in the second photo. 


The third photo seems to me to be a typical Alaskan photo.  We were on our way to the Alaskan Public Lands Information Center, which you can see in the fourth photo.  We spent over an hour inside looking at displays and reading up on the parks and Alaska.



Our last dinner was a fun one for us.  We ate at Lavelle’s Bistro.  Since none of us had had anything to drink lately, we had it all: cocktails, wine, and the works.  It was a celebration of a great trip.
