Sand Dune Sliding

Sand dune sliding was definitely the most fun that we had in Kobuk Valley.  We didn’t slide down all the dunes but we probably slid down at least six or eight. It was not as exciting as it might have been if we had brought something to slide on to make the ride faster.  We mostly slid on our bodies but we tried other techniques as well.  It was an added bonus to this trip to be able to act like I was ten years old again.

April is in the first photo and conducting a very traditional butt slide down the face of the dune.


Andrew is doing a head-first chest dive down the dune.  That actually worked quite well for him. He got up good speed and generally made it all the way to the bottom in one slide.


Vicky is near the end of her slide in the third photo.  I included this to try and give a sense of how high the dunes and how far the slide.


I’m doing the full stride gallop in the fourth photo, which I like to refer to as the ‘no sand down the pants’ method.


I’m not sure what to call the last photo: buttocks art?
