Duck Herding

These photos were taken while we were walking across the U-Bein Bridge, from atop the bridge. 

1.      We saw this guy out maneuvering his boat in an odd manner and I stopped to try and determine what he was doing.

2.      I really had no idea until this second photo.  At that point, I thought “is he really herding the ducks?”

3.      By this third photo, it was obvious that he was, in fact, herding the ducks.

4.      From this point, they swam down a narrow area of open water and right into a caged area on the western shore.  We never got any information from our guide but I assume that this guy “farms” ducks by keeping them protected in a pen at night and letting them free feed by day out in the lake.  I would also assume that he has clipped their wings so that they can’t fly away.  And we did have some delicious duck served to us in a Chinese/Burmese restaurant in Mandalay.

5.      We also saw several dozen fisherman in the water.  This guy was near the middle of the lake.  It looked like perch they were catching but I was told they were Tilapia.