Indein Village Pagodas

Surrounding the SHwe Inn Thein Temple, or Pa-O Temple are 1,058 pagodas.    There were originally about 2,000 pagodas (yes, two thousand) that were built in the 17th and 18th centuries.  You can still see the corpses of many of the thousand that are no longer standing.  And while many of the pagodas are in poor shape, many new pagodas are being built.  And after all the pagodas that I’ve already posted, I will only include this one post for the pagodas here at Indein Village.  The pagodas here were all very close together and mostly small.

1.      This is what most of the pagodas looked like and you can see the base of one former pagoda just to the left of me in the photo.

2.      I liked the crooked tops and the tree growing out of one of the pagodas on the right side.

3.      But then we came across these nice new pagodas, all straight and shiny.

4.      And then we came across more new pagodas, but painted to look like they were old pagodas.

5.      This area had different types all mixed up, which was more interesting.