Jade Market

Many of our favorite stops were unscheduled, like this one.  This stop was at the local Jade Market.  It’s a wholesale jade market, not a retail jade market.  The location appeared to be right in a regular looking neighborhood area.

1.      The market goes on for many blocks and vendors just set up their wares right along the edge of the roadway.  The road was very crowded with people, cars, carts, and motorcycles.

2.      The first photo looks down the street while the second photo was taken at a right angle to the street, looking into the block.  Vendors could be one or two tables to as many as six or seven tables deep into the block.

3.      You can see that there was quite a variety of jade and again, this is a wholesale market, not a retail market.

4.      These are some smaller stones but if you notice the person’s hand near the top, these are still good size chunks of jade.

5.      I had Vicky and Pete put their hands on this stone to give you an idea of just how big some of the jade stones were at this market.