Maha Muni Vendors

I have had a lot of feedback regarding how could the Burmese build so many pagodas and put so much gold leaf on Buddha statues, and yet have so many poor people.  I don’t have an answer for that.  Building pagodas and placing gold leaf on Buddha’s are very important to the Buddhist people.  It’s tradition and it has lots of meaning and presumably reward for the people. 

But one thing I will add is that there was lots of commerce and vending around pagodas and Buddha statues.  I would say that all major pagodas and all major temples with important Buddha statues had many vendors.  The Maha Muni temple was no exception.  Most of the vendors in the temple complex carried their goods on their heads.  We did see some people on the floor with their goods but my guess is that the monks would not let them set up shop inside the temple but would allow vending inside the temple.  There were also many vendors outside this temple. 

1.      This vendor was selling small packets and bags of herbs, medicines, and teas.  You can see the women behind her has set her platter on a small green stool.  This woman has a red stool for the same purpose.  They sell and rest their heads awhile and then move along.

2.      I’m not sure what the woman in the second photo was selling but she seemed happy enough to have her photo taken.  Some vendors signaled me that they didn’t want their photo taken.

3.      This woman was selling fresh pineapple and oranges.  We watched her cut up the pineapples and peal the oranges and put them on her tray. Everything was very fresh.

4.      This is another Novitiation Ceremony.  They are walking around the temple complex.  I’m not sure but I would assume the fruit on their heads was for their feast at the end of the parade.

5.      Vicky took a shot at carrying a vendor’s wares on her head, much to the amusement of some of the locals to the left of her.  The woman on the ground praying is probably praying that Vicky’s tray doesn’t land on her.  Vicky said the tray was quite heavy, though well-balanced.  She said the weight was a great incentive to sell things fast.