Misc. Nampan Village

This is just a few more photos from Nampan Village before we move on to another village on the lake.

1.      All commerce on Inle Lake is in small boats.  All are very shallow as the lake is both shallow and has many super shallow areas.  I think this boat might be hauling tomatoes.

2.      We visited a boat builder.  He makes the rooster-tail boats.  He uses all teak wood which is a light and strong hardwood.  He uses no nails or hardware.  Wood shavings (in photo) and tree resin are used to caulk the boats to keep them from leaking.  A new boat costs US $3,500.  It takes two men four months to build one of these boats.  The workers earn US $ 5 to $ 8 dollars a day for eight hours work.  They also build the smaller canoes that you have seen and those sell for US $ 800.

3.      You might think Burma a third world and backwards country, but sure enough, even out in the middle of Inle Lake in Nampan Village, there’s always some guy that will put up a fence around his property to keep everyone out.

4.      I’m guessing that this is a farmhouse since it is right out in the middle of the tomato growing area.  It doesn’t look much different than the houses in town.

5.      QUICK QUIZ: What is this structure in the last photo?


A Fixer-Upper, of course...