More Bagan Pagodas

We are finally about to leave Bagan, so of course, I can’t help myself but to make one more pagoda posting.

1.      This was a mini-lecture about the evolution of stupa construction.  You can see our guide’s drawings on how stupa construction changed over the centuries.

2.      I loved all the pagodas but what really enhanced them for me was that they were smack in the middle of farming country with the farmers going about their business as usual and ignoring us tourists along with the pagodas.

3.      The third photo is a great one (courtesy of Pete or Vicky).  It shows how the original brick pagoda was once covered over with plaster that was quite ornate in its time.  As neat as they are today, I can only imagine them back in their heyday.

4.      This is a view of the Bagan Plains from the 13-story Nanmyint Viewing Tower.  There are probably 50 pagodas in this photo.

5.      Vicky’s smile sums up how much we liked the pagodas of Bagan.