More Fishing

The second major technique that we saw for catching fish out in Inle Lake was using nets.  We saw a few different types of nets but most were just throw nets.  These fishermen used the same one-leg rowing technique used by the basket fishermen.  And again, that stand up technique was to see over the weeds to see where the open spaces were to throw their nets, without getting all tangled up with the water weeds.

1.      The guy in the first photo gives you a good clear view of his one-legged rowing technique and you can see his fishing net in his hand.

2.      The fisherman in the second photo looks like he’s wearing chaps and a cowboy hat and is ready to throw his lasso net.

3.      Many times we saw groups of fisherman all working the same general area.  In the third photo, there were six to eight guys fishing this area, all using nets.

4.      The fourth photo is a good photo for just why they use the one-legged rowing technique – so that they can see over all the water weeds.

5.      This last guy was in shallower water and he didn’t have a throwing net, but had some type of netting that he was using.