More Yangon

We are still in the old city center area for most of these photos.  These will give you more of a micro view of Yangon.  The big views are interesting but the real sense of the country is the little things that are happening along the streets.  These are some of the things you don’t see in the street view photos.  Yangon is a big city but walking through this city center area, you get a sense of their daily life being very different from our own big city experiences.

1.      Here is a woman selling fried crickets and grasshoppers: You have your small crickets, your medium size crickets and your large grasshoppers.  We purchased some large ‘hoppers.  They told us we were very lucky to be visiting Burma during cricket/hopper season… 

The hoppers were okay here though I think the hoppers we had in Thailand were seasoned better.

2.      Right on a prime corner in old Rangoon and what did we find….but a Baptist Church.

3.      Vicky and Pete are shopping in the Bogyoke Aung San Market which is primarily a fabric market.  Both Vicky and Pete managed to find items to purchase.

4.      This was a lunch and historical stop.  We ate lunch at the House of Memories Bar and Restaurant.  This house, now a restaurant, was the secret headquarters of General Aung Sung during World War II, and at other times.  It has been preserved along with many old photos with world figures.  Aung Sung was supposedly working for the Japanese but in reality, the Burmese were trying to defeat the Japanese during WWII to get their country back.  The old photo on the top and just to the right of Vicky is Aung Sung’s family.  The little girl in the bottom of the photo is Aung Sung Suu Kyi, who was an outspoken critic of the Burma military government and spent twenty years in prison and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.  We visited her house while we were in Yangon, though we only got as far as the outside gate of the house.

5.      The streets were extremely crowded in Yangon.  They have trucks, busses, cars, motorcycles, and all other vehicles, but my favorite was the sidecar bicycles.  You can see a bicycle with a two-seat sidecar in the last photo.  That really appealed to me.