Nampan Village

Nampan Village is a village that sits out in the middle of Inle Lake, though not the exact middle.  The entire village is built on stilts.  The poles are either teak or bamboo.  My guess is that the village has several thousand inhabitants.  Nampan Village has stores, schools, a post office, factories, and just about everything.  All transportation is by boat.  Now I’ve never been to Venice, Italy, but let’s take a look at Nampan Village.

1.      This is our boat as we are pulling into town.  My guess is that this is Main Street.

2.      This is a side street, running off of Main Street.  It looks like a nice neighborhood street.

3.      Nampan Village also has industrial areas with factories.  In these areas, many of the factories were joined by walking bridges.  You can also see a tall Palm tree growing right out of the water.

4.      This is one of the factories that we visited.  You will see photos from here in a later posting.  You can see that they have electricity in Nampan Village, but not in this factory.

5.      This is probably a middle-of-the-road neighborhood and you can see the power poles standing out of the lake.