Nampan Village Neighborhood

While in Nampan Village, our guide asked us if we would like to take some small boats and paddle through a neighborhood to get an up-close look at Nampan Village.  We did and here are some photos from that boat ride.

1.      You can see Vicky and Pete heading into the neighborhood in the first photo.  Several people have asked if the round dishes were satellite TV dishes in some of the photos.  Yes, they are and you can see a blue one in this photo in the upper right.

2.      The house in this second photo was quite impressive.  Some houses both looked very nice and had very nice gardens, docking areas, and outdoor verandas.

3.      This is one of the ‘streets’ that we paddled down.

4.      These houses didn’t look typical, so I included this photo.  You can also see that they have a fishing basket on their porch and see that they park their boats under the house, which was common.

5.      We ate lunch while in Nampan Village and you can see our restaurant in the last photo.  We could feel some movement every time a boat passed the restaurant, hence the need for bamboo pole speed bumps and wave breaks.