Pa-O Bamboo House

We are still in the same unpronounceable Pa-O village.  I thought you might like to see the insides of a bamboo house.  Most of the bamboo houses were made of 100% bamboo with the sometimes exception of the roofing material.  Some of them had metal roofing material.

1.      This is the outside of the house.  You can see that the poles are made from very large pieces of bamboo, probably four to five inches in diameter.  The bottom floor was for their animals but no photos of that.

2.      The other photos are all upstairs rooms which is where they live.  The second photo shows hanging laundry and green tomatoes from their garden that they are ripening to sell in Yangon to earn money. 

3.      The next room was a bedroom and utility room.  This house had very little furniture.

4.      This is the kitchen and probably the room where most of the rest of their activity takes place.  They have a wood-framed area that is filled with sand and this is where they make a fire for cooking food.  Their water and “sink” are outside the house. The kitchen was smoky.

5.      This is the mother of the house and her son.