Pagodas by Horse Cart

We started one of our days in Bagan with a horse cart ride through the pagodas.  The horse cart drivers actually spoke fairly decent English with enough language skills to communicate most of what we wanted them to do and to answer most of our questions.  Of course, this is mostly just to be able to show you some more pagodas in Bagan.  We also saw some excavation sites, some temple reconstruction work, and lots more farming operations.

1.      The temples in the first photo were in pretty good shape and you can see that, at the end of the rainy season, there was lots of green in Bagan. 

2.      This was an interesting looking stupa and you might notice that it has lots of vegetation growing on it.  This was true of quite a few pagodas.

3.      If you look at the bricks on the pagoda just to Vicky’s left, these are original bricks and they are a bit wider and a bit thinner than our modern day bricks.  Once you are aware of that, it’s easy to spot the repairs done with today’s bricks.

4.      The pagoda in the fourth photo is a temple and it is huge.  I don’t know if this was a major pagoda for Bagan but it was the largest one that we saw on our horse cart ride.

5.      Those of you who know my wife know it was only a matter of time before she got hold of the reins of the horse cart, as you can see in the last photo.