Pristine Lotus Spa Resort

We made it to Inle Lake and checked into the Pristine Lotus Spa Resort.  We were greeted with watermelon juice, a cold washcloth, and a five-minute backrub.  This was an incredible place to stay, luxury beyond our norms.

1.      This was the entrance to the resort.  The lake is behind me in this photo.  The resort is on both sides of the lake road.  You can see Vicky standing by the resort sign. 

2.      The resort “lobby” and reception area, is the gazebo on the left and the larger gazebo behind is the resort restaurant.  

3.      You can see Vicky at dinner in the restaurant one night.

4.      They had free cheroots in the lobby and one afternoon, I chatted up one of the locals – who was always sitting in the same chair.  He was a good listener but not much of a talker, though the conversation lasted quite some time.

5.      You can see Vicky standing in front of our own not-so-little bungalow.  Pete was next door to us, to the right.