Seamstress Visit

A few people in our group opted to go on an unscheduled side trip, to meet a seamstress.  She also does quilting and embroidery.  She lives out in a regular neighborhood and her shop is a separate room in her home compound.  She learned all her skills from her mom and continues to pass them along.  She teaches classes to young women so that they can learn as well.  She has won many awards and we saw several magazines that featured her on the cover. 

She told us that crafts are an important contribution to a Tajik family because of the money that it brings the family.  For all her success, she was a very low-key person who just seemed like she went about her work very normally, but with some passion.

You can see our seamstress in the first photo, standing behind her work table and sewing machine and surrounded by some of her work.  She has used the same non-electric sewing machine for 50 years.  It’s operated by foot petal. 


The second photo is one piece of her work.  It might seem simple but if you look closely, you might see that it is a very intricate piece of work – according to Vicky, my wife.


The third photo is quite another style of work and she had some very impressive pieces like this one.


She had quite a bit of gold embroidery work, such as the Tajik hat in the fourth photo.  It was quite intricate work.


The last photo was one of the tables with items that were for sale.  Again, you can see the variety of items that she makes. 
