Somoni Park

We left the statue of Lenin and drove to Somoni Park.  Somoni Park used to be Lenin Park and this is where the statue of Lenin used to reside.  It’s quite a contrast in locations.  Likewise, the highest mountain peak in Tajikistan used to be Stalin Peak and later Communism Peak but is now Ismail Somoni Peak.  The times have changed.

Ismoil Somoni was born in this area and rose to be a general and later the leader of the Samanids.  Today at least, he was considered an intelligent, just, compassionate person and a good leader who conducted affairs with justice and good ethics.  

I was never able to get to a position to take a good photo of the overall park.  It is quite large and on a hill so not an easy place to photograph in its entirety unless you are somewhere else looking at it.  But you will get the idea that it is a nice place.

The first photo was taken from the lower end of the park at the bottom of the hill.  The park features marble stairways, lots of water features, the history of the area in mosaics, an ice skating rink, sculptures, lights and fountain shows.


We are looking back down the park and off to one side from higher up in the second photo.


Off to each side on multiple levels of the park are historical mosaics that tell about Alexander the Great and many other historic events here.  You can see one bank of mosaics in the third photo.


The fourth photo was from near the top of the park looking down the center of the area which is mostly water features. 


At the top of the park is the statue of Ismoil Somoni.  This is where the statue of Lenin used to reside.
