Tashkent Hotel

Our hotel in Tashkent was the Lotte City Tashkent Palace Hotel.  You can see Vicky standing in front of the hotel in the first photo.  We spent two nights here.


Looking across the street from our hotel (2nd photo) was the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater, the largest theater in central and southeast Asia.  The theater’s water fountain was in the center of a very large plaza.  It was not too crowded during the day but at night, the whole place was packed.  It was mostly families with young children and young couples.  In the cool of the evening, the place really came alive.  There were food vendors, especially ice cream.  People sold toys and trinkets for kids (yes, we purchased some).  It was just a great place to spend an hour in the evening. 


We ate breakfast outside in the central area of the hotel each morning.  It may look like Vicky is inside but those are just sun screens behind her.  It was beautiful outside in the morning air and cool.


The World Cup (soccer) was on the big screen on the hotel roof in the evening.  The crowd got raucous at times, depending on who was playing.  You can see the size of the screen in the fourth photo but that was just a part of the screen.


The bad news was that our hotel had some nice shops, last photo.  The good news was that I didn’t have to carry Vicky’s purchases very far, just to our room.
