Uzbekistan to Tajikistan

On this day, we drove from Tashkent, Uzbekistan to Khujand, Tajikistan.  If you still have my map, it took about two hours to drive from Tashkent to the Tajikistan border.  It only took us about thirty minutes to clear immigration and cross into Tajikistan.  Then it was about another hour to drive to Khujand (pronounced like “who-john”).  The posting is about the trip between the two locations.  These will be moving bus photos but hopefully worth the bad pictures.

I love photos like the first one.  I’m not sure why but I can never resist taking a photo like this.  I’ve moved a lot of alfalfa in my life, but never like this.


Agriculture has been changing since their independence.  Russia had all central Asia growing cotton.  The Russians tore out their orchards and vineyards but little by little, they are putting them back.


The third photo is in a small town where we just stopped for a restroom break.  I don’t even know the name but it was a lively place. 


“Have big tire; Will travel” should be the title of the fourth photo.


We have arrived in Tajikistan in the last photo.  Tajikistan is primarily a mountainous country.  This was between the border and Khujand.
