Ashgabat Food

I suppose it’s time for another food posting.  We ate very well in Ashgabat.  This posting will be from multiple meals.

The first two photos are from lunch at the Altyn Cinar (Goat Platter) Restaurant.  There was one other couple eating in this restaurant while we were there.  The first photo was our “Russian salad”.  It was quite a mix of vegetables and olives and eggs and it was very good.  At this restaurant, the main part of the meal was cooked on our table as you can see in the second photo.  We didn’t do the cooking.  Someone came and put on the beef and chicken kabobs and vegetables and then came back to turn them and eventually to serve them to us.  The guy sitting next to Vicky was our local Ashgabat guide.  He was very nice and spoke excellent English.  He was evidently an overachiever in school and in high school qualified for a year studying abroad.  He was placed in a small town in south Texas.  Yep, the U.S. of A.  I told him that technically, Texas was not a part of the United States.  When he laughed, I knew I was in trouble because he even understood my sense of humor.  Dessert was a fruit bowl.


The third photo was our main course for dinner at another restaurant.  The meat was beef and the vegetables were really fresh and tasty.


The fourth photo was from another lunch.  I think everything is identifiable and it was all very good.


I added the last photo just for the heck of it.  This was late afternoon at our hotel pool.  It was 107 degrees and we were trying to maintain ourselves by eating chips and drinking beer.  I’m not sure why no one was in the swimming pool in that heat.
