Khiva Food

We are in Khiva and we had some great food in inner town at the restaurants.

The first photo was at lunch our full day in Khiva.  It was pasta with meat, vegetables, and yogurt.  I also love the plate and the table cloth.  It was very good pasta.


We were dining outside in the second photo at Farrukh Tea House.  It was still warm and we beat the dinner crowd but it was such a nice place to dine.  You can see Vicky, Nora, Patty and Ron, part of our group of friends.


This was one of our dinner dishes in the third photo which was noodles, vegetables, meat and broth in a bowl.


The ladies had pumpkin dumplings which you can see in the fourth photo.


The last photo was earlier in the afternoon.  We were hot and stopped into a tea house for a beer.  I specifically put all those thousand dollar som notes down to show that’s what my beer cost: 15,000 som. (or about $1.80 U.S.)  We had to carry a lot of cash around to pay for things in Uzbekistan.
