Khiva Micro

In Khiva, it might seem like we wandered around and took in all the big and glorious sites.  But really, we traveled around inner town slowly because there was so much to see if you just took the time.  I will just make this one post to give you some idea about things that I found interesting and took some time to enjoy.

As we were walking through the south gate the first evening, I stopped and looked up – to see what you can see in the first photo.  There are arches and domes and all curved surfaces, all done with rectangular bricks.


We saw lots of tile work like in the second photo but I never tired of stopping to give it a close inspection.  Can you imagine it back in the day?


The third photo, like the second photo, is in the Khans or Kings area of the inner town.  This is looking up at the ceiling which is well preserved due to its protected situation.


The fourth photo I really liked.  This is just a patch of inner town street.  It’s made of rocks and you can see the wagon ruts in the rock surfaces.  One rut across the bottom and two ruts across the top.  I wonder how many wagons had to drive this street to get those ruts embedded in the rocks.


The last photo is a piece of naan that we had for dinner.  But it looked like all the other naan we had.  It was cooked in the same way as we saw at the horse farm.  It always had this pattern and all those tiny holes in it.
