Khiva People

My photos have already shown people in Khiva but I thought I would add another post with some specific comments about some of the people that we saw in Khiva.

The group in the first photo my favorite group that we met in Khiva.  It started when the woman on the right stopped to take our photo, as you can see in the photo.  This group of women were Uzbeks who were on vacation visiting Khiva.  We had a long chat with them, through our interpreter.  Eventually, they did a dance for us.  Vicky responded and we sang a song for them: “Take me out to the ball game”.  It was a very nice encounter.


The next two photos were early evening photos while we were out for a walk through inner town.  The merchants had all closed shop and gone home for the day.  But since 2500 people live in inner town, it’s not empty.  You can see a dad or grandpa taking three young ones out for a bicycle ride in the second photo.  Lots and lots of people sat out on the porch steps in the evening, like in the third photo.  I’m sure they were escaping the heat of their homes. 


People often sought to escape the heat in the middle of the day too.  You can see a bunch of men in the fourth photo sitting and talking under the shade of a tree around noon.


I don’t know that I would describe the Uzbeks as “fashionable” on the whole.  But the vendor in the last photo would certainly get my vote for making a fashion statement.
