Samarkand Restaurant

We ate lunch in the newer, or Russian, part of Samarkand.  I don’t remember the name of the restaurant but the lunch was really good.

Two of our salads are in the first photo.  On the left is a salad of corn, potatoes, and squash.  On the right is a salad of meat, lettuce, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and onion.  Both were very good.  We also had samosas (meat in dough).


Who would show a photo of a bowl of soup?  Me and I’m going to show you two photos of our soup, my soup bowl (2nd photo) and Vicky’s soup bowl (3rd photo).  The soup was potato, carrots, and onion.  It was very good.  But I’m including the photos for the decoration on the top of the soup.  And I’m showing both our bowls of soup to show that the decorations were done individually and not with some sort of template.  I was quite impressed.


Our main course was two lamb and two beef kabobs with rice and onions.  The onions were thinly sliced white onions and as sweet as could be, really excellent.  The red sauce was something called “itchy kaboom”, or at least that was what it sounded like and we asked them to repeat the name several times.  Once again, it was all very good.


Desert was apple strudel and vanilla ice cream, in the last photo.  Nice presentation too.
