7 Treasures Restaurant

This was our last dinner in Almaty.  It was at the Seven Treasures Restaurant.  In the first photo, this was our little group that traveled together: our good friends Ron and Patty, Vicky, and Pete and Nora.  It was really great to have our own small group within the group.  We also had music during drinks and salad and you can see the musicians in the second photo.


The third photo is our Greek salad which was very fresh and delicious.


Dumplings and sour cream was another course as you can see in the fourth photo.  We were served both meat dumplings and vegetable dumplings.  Dumplings were not an uncommon food on this trip.


Iā€™m skipping to dessert which was a seven-layer sponge cake with butterscotch sauce.  Very good. 


This will be goodbye to Kazakhstan as we flew to Turkmenistan in the morning.