Southwest Ashgabat

We got outside of Ashgabat city a couple of times.  We didn’t get to stop at any ordinary places, so I took some bus photos just to be able to show some more normal parts of Turkmenistan.  These were from our trip to Old Nisa.

The first photo is just a street running perpendicular to the road we were driving.  It looked pretty good.  Everything seemed neat and clean.  They do have light standards but not the fancy ones like in central Ashgabat.


The second photo is also just off the main road.  We saw quite a few areas that looked like this.  Our guide said the green-roofed areas were “old Ashgabat”.  I presume that means post-earthquake, so maybe built in the 1950’s or later.  It also probably means the sections of Ashgabat that were not bulldozed.


In many of these housing areas on the edge of Ashgabat, people seemed to have gardens and fruit trees and grape vines around their houses.


In the fourth photo, we are back in town but on the outer edge.  These are apartments.  They could be Russian built but if so, they have been slightly upgraded.


The fifth photo is closer to central Ashgabat but not to the white-marbled area.  The apartments here were even nicer.  They have a bus stop but it’s not air conditioned.
