Moai in Transit

We are still at Rano Raraku, the ancient volcano and source of the rock of the Easter Island stone statues.  These are more photos of finished Moai (statues) that were on their way to be placed at some point around the Island, but never made it.  They were left here, stuck in time.  Other speculation includes ideas like these statues weren’t worthy enough for all the trouble to move them or they were damaged or broken.  It was really fun to walk among these statues.  We had few other tourists around when we were here so it was a great experience.

These are some of my favorite photographs from Easter Island.

The moai placed on the ahus were great but these moai here, just coming up out of the ground with nothing of note around them gave me an eerie and strange sense of mystery.  Our guide seemed to try and captivate us with a sense of mystery about Easter Island but she didn't have to say much when we were at Rano Raraku.