
Orongo was our first stop on our Easter Island tour on this day.  It was very high on some cliffs and held a great deal of historical significance. Ancient legend said that the Polynesians would search the seas and find three islands which would be their special new home.  Easter Island is basically one island, but you can see the two others islands in this photo off of Orongo which made the legend “come true”.  You can also see a petro glyph or rock carving in the photo as well.

Another highlight of Orongo was that it has another of the three volcanoes on the island.  This one had the most colorful and interesting caldera.  The next two photos were taken from almost the same spot as the first photo was taken.  In other words, the crater is very near the edge of the island.  The lake in the crater has all sorts of interesting plants.  There are also many more petro glyphs and other things to see down in the crater.  Until recently, a trip down into the crater was a highlight for all tourists.  But in only a few months before we arrived, someone destroyed some historic things in the crater and tourists are no longer allowed down in the crater.