Last Felucca Ride

This was our last night and the end of our time in Luxor.  We took one last felucca ride on the Nile which was the highlight of the evening.  We were on the Nile in the evening as the sun was setting.  There is not much to tell about the pictures.  It was a quiet and peaceful boat ride.


Besides being so much cooler out on the water, the sights did make it a somewhat exotic boat ride for us. There was a mist or haze on the water as the hot air of the day met the cooler water of the River Nile.


Later in the evening, we took an hour horse-drawn carriage ride through much of Luxor.  Our guide said that she would never go into some of these neighborhoods, except in a carriage or taxi or something.  The areas didn’t look very problematic to me.  It was really a great look into the locals world.  We didn’t get enough of that on this trip for my liking.  The pictures didn’t come out very well since our carriage was a bit on the wobbly side.

Just for the record, it was 111 degrees today and this was our ninth straight day with the temperature over 100 degrees.  We fly back to Cairo in the morning.