
Our next stop along the Nile was the town of Edfu.  This was an ancient city location since it’s on an elevated location in the middle of the Nile flood plain.  Nearby here was the ancient Egyptian city of Tbot.  Edfu itself was originally a Greek city known as Apollinopolis Magna and today Edfu is a religious and commercial center which produces sugar and pottery.  Edfu is about 65 miles north of Aswan and about 60 miles south of Luxor.

The first photo is of the middle of town as we cruised into port.


The second photo was a factory.  We didn’t see very many big factories along the river, just a few.  This factory was really belching out the smoke.


We took a horse-drawn carriage ride from our boat dock to the Temple of Horus which was the main attraction in Edfu.  The third photo is Vicky and I arriving at the temple in our carriage.  We had several horse carriage rides on our trip and we enjoyed them very much.
