Karnak - Pillars

Vicky loved those ram-headed sphinxes, so I decided to get a close up of her next to some.  They had some extra ones stacked next to a building off to the side of one of the courts.  But then afterwards, I realized what else was in the picture.  If you look at the first picture, you can see Vicky and the sphinxes.  If you look behind Vicky in the first photo, you will see three pillars in different states of completion.  Look at the pillar to the right behind her and you can see that it is still just square stones stacked on top of each other high enough to make a pillar.  The pillar next to it, and just to Vicky’s left, looks to be about halfway to being changed from square to round.  And if you look at the next pillar to the left of that one, you will see that the third pillar is pretty much finished and has been plastered over.  On our way back out of Karnak, I noticed these pillars and went back over and took the second photo which is of the same three pillars.  The right pillar looks like a wall, but is in fact a ‘pillar to be’.


The third photo is of some other pillars which are much larger, but as you can see, they were never finished either.  I’m not sure why I found this so interesting, but I did.
