Winter Palace Hotel

We once again found ourselves in a fine hotel when back on land.  This time it was the Winter Palace Hotel in Luxor.  We only got a couple of photos as we were on the go most of the time while we were in Luxor.

The first photo I took from the balcony of our hotel room looking at the hotel courtyard.  The second photo is the swimming pool which is just to the left of the first photo.


Doesn’t it look great?  It was really a gorgeous place with all the amenities.

While here in the afternoon, we took our brand new thermometer and put it out on second-story balcony, but completely in the shade.  The temperature was 111 degrees.

Next, we put the thermometer in the sun, but on top of the coffee table, still on our balcony.  The temperature was 117 degrees.

Next, we put the thermometer on the floor of our balcony, also in the sun.  The temperature was 132 degrees.

My guess is that at Karnak and Luxor temples, it must have been 140 - 150 degrees or more at ground level.  They were all rock and sand and it was like being in an oven.

Travel Tip – if you ever go to visit Luxor, go in January.