How Big are Stones?

Now go back and look at my last posting – the progressively closer pictures of the Great Pyramid.

Do you really believe that the smallest stones weigh about two tons each?  That’s what we were told. As I stood there taking the last and closest photograph in the prior post, I was thinking to myself “No way”.  I was only maybe 20 feet or so away from the pyramid and the stones still didn’t look that big.  So I told Vicky to go up and stand right next to the Great Pyramid and one of the stones.  See that photo below. Then I did it myself.


But that still doesn’t really tell you the whole story.  They had some stones that had fallen away or were from other parts of the area.  I took a photo of just such a stone and you can see it in the next two photographs. The end of the stone below is the part that you see behind Vicky. The long length is the part that extends into the pyramid, so that you can’t see its length.


I took another picture of this same stone in the last photo.  These stones are all about ten to twelve feet long.  So when you see the stones on the Great Pyramid and on the other pyramids, you are usually just seeing one of the ends in most cases.  You can’t really tell that the stones are that long. It’s very hard to see the end of a stone and to realize that it extends into the pyramid that far and that it really is at least two tons.
