The Sphinx

The Sphinx is also at Giza, just down the causeway from the Pyramid of Khafre.  Some people believe that it was also carved by Khafre and even that it was made somehow in his image.  Others believe that it was carved out of the bedrock of the Giza Plateau as many as 9,000 to 10,000 years ago.  There is some science to back this up, but no consensus about it.

The Sphinx is its ancient Greek name - for the mythical winged monster with a woman’s head and lion’s body who set riddles and killed anyone unable to answer the riddles.  The Egyptian name for it is Abu al-Hol which means Father of Terror.  Either way, it’s considered a scary figure.

Most of the Sphinx was buried in sand until relatively recently (mid 1800’s maybe).  In the first picture, you can see the whole beast.  The Pyramid of Khufu is behind the Sphinx’s head and the Pyramid of Khafre is to the left in the photo. 


The next pictures will give you some different angles and looks at the Sphinx. The Sphinx has suffered quite a bit of damage from the ancient years.  One rumor has it that Napolean is the one who knocked off his nose.  His beard is in the British Museum in London.
