Mena House Hotel

We arrived in Cairo, but we stayed across the River Nile on the west bank which is Giza.  We stayed at the Mena House Hotel.  It used to be a hunting lodge for the king of Egypt.  It didn’t get much use, so it was sold and converted into a hotel in 1869.    It was also the place of negotiations and signing of the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1979.  It was also in the Movie “Death on the Nile” which was an Agatha Christie story.

Mena House has had a plethora of famous people stay here.  That includes movie stars, kings, heads of state and so on.  Some of the names include Churchill, Charlie Chaplin, William R. Hearst, Chiang Kai Chek, and of course former Presidents such as Roosevelt, Nixon, and Carter.  Now, of course, they can add the Bosworth name (did I mention that I was President of the Sewer Board last year?)

The hotel had plenty of amenities (including a golf course), but all I needed was to be able to see the pyramids.  It was a five minute walk up the plateau to reach the Great Pyramid.  What a start to our trip.

These pictures are just some taken from our hotel – nice. I couldn’t get enough of the pyramids.
