Titi Pyramid

This was the Titi Pyramid and the first pyramid that we crawled inside.  Titi was the first Pharaoh of the 6th dynasty which was from 2345 – 2323 B.C. His name is pronounced “Tee Tee”.  That was explained to me with a certain amount of vigor.


The Titi Pyramid is not in great shape, but then again, it is very old.  It was actually 172 feet tall when constructed.  It was first entered in 1881.  We did a squat crawl down the passageway into the rooms.  The walls were covered with pyramid texts and there was a sarcophagus (casket) there with inscriptions on it.  Other than being in a very old pyramid, it was not too exciting.  And they really didn’t let us take pictures inside the pyramids.

The next picture is the Titi Pyramid itself.  The entrance was right behind the two fellows standing at the bottom.  It was a small tunnel downward to enter.


The last picture is just one looking south from this area to where we could see some other pyramids in the haze. I was sure that the pyramids were going to keep getting better.
