Bull for Lunch


Part of our visit to the bull farm included lunch.  They have turned several large old breeding barns into very nice entertainment halls.  I don’t know how much of their business today is entertaining guests and visitors but I would think it is substantial because they did such a good job of it.

 Lunch was all home grown and homemade.  It included a salad of lettuce, olives, and olive oil.  Then we had toast and tapenades, perhaps four tapenades.  The main course was bull meat and red rice.  We also had three wines, a white, a red, and a rose.  

 1.      What you see here is about half the room.  This was set up for our lunch.


2.      The son and current head of operations showed us his saddle collection that he has collected from all over the world.

3.      This was the family table as they ate lunch with us.  Vicky had a prolonged conversation with them.  I liked their cowboy duds.

4.      This is the bull meat and red rice.  Not a great photo but the bull meat was very good and very flavorful and not tough at all…and that’s no bull.

