

Viviers is a small walled city on the Rhone River in south-central France.  There’s been a town here dating back to at least the third century.  The town sits a bit back from the river and was built on rock and mostly with stone.  Viviers became a ‘bishopric’ during Roman times.  The Bishop lived atop the hill and the church dominated life in Viviers.  Our guide said that Viviers was once a wealthy city with a population of 30,000 in medieval times.  Today the population is about 4,000 people and most townspeople work in either the local stone quarry or the cement plant.

 1.      This is Viviers as seen from the bank of the Rhone River.  You can see sections of the city wall and the cathedral at the high point of the city.  Agriculture abounded in this area, though our guide said it was not the main industry in Viviers.

2.      Saint Vincent Cathedral, completed in the 12th century, is the oldest cathedral in France that is still in use as a church.  We went inside and listened to an organ recital which was impressive for its sound.

3.      Walking around the walled city, it was easy to imagine life here many centuries ago.  Gary, Debra, and Vicky were poking into every nook and cranny as we walked the town.

4.      Our guide said Viviers has a rich architectural heritage with Roman, medieval, and Renaissance period architecture.  She pointed out most of the differences in doors and windows.

5.      This is looking at the town outside the wall and down toward the river from atop the hill near the cathedral.

