Nice Meals


We very much enjoyed the food in France.  That was not a surprise to us, but we did have some food surprises along the way.  I will be addressing those, but none of them occurred in Nice.

 The first three dishes that you see were from the "Le Frog Restaurant" in Old Town Nice.  We had a great waiter and a fun dinner along with our friends Gary and Debra Lang.

 1.     This is Vicky’s beef gnocchi which was a very good dish indeed.

2.     This was my ribeye steak.  It was okay but all that sauce was unnecessary.  I liked the interesting shaped cauliflower and the rolled up carrots/zucchini side.

3.     This was my Swiss chard pie which was my dessert.  It was quite good and I suppose that I’ve now found a new use for the chard in my garden.

4.     This was in a street side brassiere.  It was bruschetta with my red wine and Vicky’s red beer.  It was very good with enough cheese for a large cheese pizza.

5.     Lunch our last day in Nice was at a small Old Town boulangerie, which you can see in the window.  To the right, they were making their dough.  Vicky has Swiss chard pie, only this time it was not sweet.   I had a small pizza.  Both were really very good.

