Vineyard Visit


Jacques asked us if we would like to go and see the vineyard.  I said yes and he asked the owner.  The owner said yes and we went to visit his nearby vineyard.  He has 15 acres of grapes.  He has both reds and whites.  But he probably asked me more questions about our vineyards and he knew all seven of our grape varieties.  We spent over an hour with him visiting his vineyards.  He has traveled around the world visiting vineyards and wineries.  So these are the vineyards of the Maisson of Lupine winery.

 1.      We first drove up the hills on the other side of the main road to get a view of his entire vineyards.  You can see much of his vineyards in this photo, along with his house in the middle of the vineyards.

2.      This is the rest of his vineyards and just to the right of the previous photo.  The vertical rows, he told us, are to capture more sun on the vines.

3.      Now we are in the vineyards.  These vines are 15 years old.  I’m not sure which variety of grape.  This is just above his house.  This vineyard needed drains in the rows to relieve the excess water from all the rain.

4.      Now we are down at the bottom of his vineyards with his house in the background.

5.      The vines in this vineyard are 45 years old.  Again, I don’t know which grape variety.  The rows were no more than three feet apart and all work in the vineyards are done by hand.

6.      This is a close-up from the prior vineyard.  You can see the vine is at bud break and the trunk of the vine is covered with moss.

