Monet's Garden


Giverny is a small town about fifty miles northwest of Paris.  It is on the right bank of the Seine river.  Today, it has about 500 residents, so it is still a small village.  Giverny was started as a settlement in the Neolithic times.  The village church dates to the Middle Ages.  Claude Monet passed Giverny on a train in the early 1880s.  He looked out the train window at the small village and immediately decided that he wanted to live in Giverny.

 Monet moved to Giverny in 1883 and rented a house.  He purchased the same house in 1890 and lived there until his death in 1926.  He built the gardens to paint them. 

1.      This is the exact view of one of Monet’s famous paintings.  He was big on water lilies.

2.      The colors of the flowers in different areas was interesting and they come out in his paintings.

3.      Vicky is standing on the bridge under the wisteria at a quiet time in the garden.

4.      We really enjoyed our time in Monet’s garden and could really appreciate all the work he put into making the garden.

5.      This floral view struck me as the most unusual of all since most of Monet’s paintings were done in very subtle colors.

