The Louvre


The Louvre Museum is one of the world’s largest museums.  It started out as the Louvre Palace, built as a fortress in the 12th century.  It was established as a museum during the French Revolution in 1792.  The entire set of structures has something like 2,260,000 square feet.  The display space has around 35,000 objects on display in an area of something like 650,000 square feet.  Some of the most famous items include the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and Winged Victory of Samothrace.  To say the least, the Louvre is a huge museum to visit.  I will mostly try and convey its immensity in my photos.

1.      Looking down one of the first halls that we visited, we could barely see the other end of the hall.

2.      You will also see that when visiting the Louvre, you should look at everything: walls, objects of art, floors, and ceilings.

3.      Before too long, we got away from the big crowds, but the rooms in those areas didn’t get any smaller.  You can look through a series of doorways, each with a large room, into the distance.

4.      The Egyptian section was probably my favorite and it was not nearly as crowded as many other areas.

5.      Vicky with Venus de Milo and quite a striking resemblance…

