

Our tour group spent two days in Lyon, but we missed both of those days since we were staying with Karen and Jacques.  We did manage to spend a couple of hours self-touring ourselves around town.  I would have liked to spend more time in Lyon as our short time there was very interesting.  Lyon is in east-central France and a bit less than 300 miles from Paris.  Lyon has a population of about 800,000 but more than two million people live in the metropolitan area.  Historically, Lyon is connected to the production of silk.  It’s a large town and known for its historical and architectural landmarks.  We just got a small glimpse of that. 

 1.      I took this photo right next to where our boat docked and while we were waiting for Karen to pick us up.

2.      This shows you some landmarks and some of Lyon’s architectural style. 

3.      Statues and water fountains were very common in France and I really liked the building on the right.

4.      Street musicians were not uncommon but this was the only harp player that we saw on our trip.

5.      This street had a lively and boisterous crowd, especially for a weekday afternoon.

