End of Nice Trip


We enjoyed a great trip to the Galapagos Islands. The islands were far different from what I expected before going there, but that’s one of the great things about traveling. The Galapagos Islands had their surprises and I like that. Our trip there was short but very memorable.

I’ve learned to classify my trips differently from what many people expect from me. Most people want me to classify my trips on a scale from one to ten or on a five-star system. They want to know what trip or place was better to visit than some other place. I tend to classify trips according to the primary enjoyment. In the case of the Galapagos Islands, it was mostly about the wildlife, both birds and animals.

These are just some random photos from the trip. First and foremost is one of my wife, Vicky. She was a lovely travel companion.

This wildlife photo is not very spectacular, but it is very appropriate. This is a finch. Finches were one of the primary animals studied by Darwin to develop his theory of evolution and natural selection.


It’s hard to pick favorite animals out from a trip like this one. Most of my favorites would go along with a story from my interaction with the animal but I might not have a photo from that. For some reason, the giant tortoises were really something special to be around and to watch. I’m not sure exactly why but it was easy to get their photos.


I most frequently end my trips with a sunset photo but since this was such a great wildlife trip, I chose this owl photo from one night at our hotel. I hope you enjoyed this trip. I know that we had a great time in the Galapagos.
